AWS – Migration Workload Microsoft – 2A Brasil


The customer had a local infrastructure, where he ran a WEB application for his users. It also had an old, unsecured server that served as a file server.
The challenge was to migrate this entire structure with the update of Windows and Active Directory servers for user authentication, also to migrate the client’s Xojo software. 2A Brasil rents mobile devices with geo tracking, user terms and was managed only by the web browser.


The proposal offers the migration of the web server with Xojo software to a Windows Server 2019 instance and an RDS SQL Server, two more Windows Server 2019 instances and Amazon EBS storages were used for the file server environment.

In one instance Active Directory was installed for user authentication, in the other instance SharePoint 2019 was installed with Microsoft IIS and SQL Server. Every structure monitored with Amazon Cloudwatch and Amazon Cloudtrail, all access to the file server is performed only on the customer’s network using security groups.

How AWS services were used as part of the solution:

We had used resources like EC2 instances, EBS storages, RDS SQL Server, VPC and VPC endpoint, Cloudwatch, Cloudtrail and Cloudformation.

Third party applications or solutions used:

We use Windows Server 2019, SQL Server, Active Directory, DNS Servers, Microsoft SharePoint and Microsoft IIS.


2A Brasil now has a cloud environment without the concern for infrastructure, the connection and performance problems of the Xojo software were eliminated, there was an increase in productivity and a decrease in the use of paper with the Sharepoint solution.

Lessons Learned:

2A Brasil has learned that using AWS allow scale the business, once they can pay only for what it used and always keep the technological resources updated. The 2A Brasil president is satisfied, he has contracted reserved instance and are planning improve his business inside AWS structure.

2A Brasil emerged after a long history in the mobile phone business, its founders closely followed the operators’ first steps towards corporate plans. Within a history of highly bureaucratic and unstructured operations, its creators saw in the segment a different way of providing this service: to understand the customer and offer him what he really needs.